Crafty Crow! and
The art corner

I chose to follow two art blogs, although I am an Early/Special Education major, I have two minors in art, (One in general art, and one in print making) Art is a passion for me and I am always looking for new crafting ideas to do with young children and my nieces at home. I like both of these blogs for different reasons, the crafty crow has really interesting, and unique ideas that I have never seen and probably never would have heard of. The art corner has tabs with various categories making navigation of the blog website easy and user friendly. I like them both because they have really cute fun ideas that I think won't be too challenging for young kids, and will engage different areas of development.
I LOVE the idea of arts and crafts in the classroom. Crafting is one of my hobbies and i enjoy it so much i would love to share it with my students. i will deffinatly have to check out your links.